슈마플렉스는 휴가중입니다! 3월 17일까지 업무가 중단되며, 그동안 주문한 상품은 그 이후에 발송될 예정입니다.
by Jem
Introducing the exhilarating "Wild-eyed Brigade" Series, where eye-popping characters come to life on your fingerboard! Get ready for a wild and vibrant adventure as you dive into the world of these captivating decks.
Each deck in the "Wild-eyed Brigade" series features a unique and colorful character with eyes popping out, including a fearless captain, a mischievous parrot, an energetic crazy skater, and a toothy friend. These eye-catching graphics inject a playful and animated spirit into your fingerboarding sessions, adding a dash of excitement to every trick and grind.
Crafted with precision and attention to detail, our "Wild-eyed Brigade" fingerboard decks boast high-quality construction for optimal performance. The smooth and durable surface ensures smooth slides and consistent control, allowing you to push your fingerboarding skills to the limit.
Immerse yourself in the zany world of the "Wild-eyed Brigade" and let these energetic characters inspire your creativity. Whether you're a seasoned fingerboarder or just starting out, these decks are designed to bring a smile to your face and inject a burst of fun into your fingerboarding experience.
Get ready to join the brigade, defy gravity, and unleash your wild side with the "Wild-eyed Brigade" Series. Embark on thrilling adventures, push the boundaries of what's possible, and let the eye-popping characters become your partners in fingerboarding crime. It's time to let your imagination run wild and enjoy the exhilaration of this unique and vibrant fingerboard series.
See the shape and order whichever fits your riding style the best.
Made in Murcia, スペイン
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